Kamis, 03 Maret 2011


1. To Meet Demands Human Rights Instincts

Marriage is human nature. And a legitimate way to meet this need is by marriage contract (through the level of marriage), not by a dirty and disgusting, like the ways people today with dating, cohabiting, prostitution, adultery, lesbian, gay and others that has been distorted and forbidden by Islam.

2. Fortifying Morals For His Majesty

Messenger of Allaah Allaah be upon said:

"O, youth! Whoever among you capable to get married, then nikahlah, because marriage is much lower his gaze and further fortify the vulva (genitals). And whoever is unable, then let him fast, because fasting is to fortify themselves. "(Narrated by Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidhi, An Nasa-i, Ad Darimi and AL Bayhaqi, from friends of Abdullah bin Mas'ud)

3. To Enforce Islamic Households

Mentioned in the Qur'an, that Islam justifies the existence of THALAQ (divorce), if the husband and wife are no longer able to enforce the limits of God

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